Finding Joy in Challenging Times

Finding Joy in Challenging Times

This global pandemic came at a difficult time in my personal life.  My husband is in the US Navy Reserves and just received orders to deploy to the Middle East.  This wasn’t our first rodeo as he has been deployed before, but this would be our first with children.  We were doing our best to prepare our daughters for their daddy’s departure while managing all the emotions that go along with a prolonged separation when news of COVID-19 exploded.  It was further compounded when we received shocking news of an issue with my father’s health.  This sent me and our family into a spin.  All the while a mandatory stay-at-home quarantine had been issued across the country. Schools were closed, leaving us to fumble and quickly adapt to a new normal of virtual learning.  Fitness studios and gyms across San Diego were shut down due to the pandemic and like so many other fitness professionals I was out of work and left to question my next move…Now what am I supposed to do? 

If you know me, you know that I am usually an upbeat, positive person.  But even I couldn’t shake feelings of deep sadness.  I felt lost. 

Could I adapt to change and find joy in something new? 

I had to shift gears personally and professionally. Leaning into faith, I began each morning with prayer and gratitude. I quickly realized I am not in control of a worldwide pandemic, deployment schedules, family illness, or job loss. I had to make a conscious decision not to give in to self-pity, fear, and worry. I needed to choose joy. 

Professionally,  I decided to start teaching free virtual fitness classes to maintain a community and encourage others to keep moving.  Truth be told, teaching kept my anxiety at bay. Creating an online platform gave me purpose, created accountability, and helped me cope with stress in a healthy way. 

As the weeks went by, I established a routine and started to find JOY in the journey.  Joy gave way to hope and hope paved a new path of professional clarity. 

·        Joy in CONNECTION.

We were not meant to do life alone.  Fitness can bring us together. It’s not about the building or the exercises we choose, it’s about connecting people through authentic relationships. 

·        Joy of MOVEMENT. 

The body was made to move. The more you move, the better you feel. Working out in a supportive environment creates accountability and builds confidence.

·        Joy in SIMPLICITY.

Simple is best. Fancy and expensive equipment are not required.  With just a few quality items and a bit of space, you are set to go!

·        Joy in PRESENCE. 

Time is a precious commodity.  You no longer need to sit in traffic or wait in a line to check your kiddos into childcare. You show up, work out and go about your day.

·        Joy in WELL-BEING. 

Taking care of your physical and mental health is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and to others. Shifting your mindset that fitness is a gift, not a chore. 

·        Joy in INNER STRENGTH. 

When you begin to lose heart over your circumstance and no longer want to continue the journey, remember, You can do hard things! 

True joy transcends the rolling waves of circumstance. This season of life has opened my eyes and refreshed my spirit. I have a deep appreciation for my husband, children, family, friends and the beautiful participants that show up to take my class. They gave me the confidence to launch my own business. I can proudly say that I love what I do every single day! My mission is to bring people together, motivate through movement and create an atmosphere that encourages others to grow & thrive.