Positive Momentum

Positive Momentum

Creating positive momentum when every day feels like “Groundhog Day”

2021 looks and feels an awful lot like 2020, doesn’t it? Folks are struggling to find motivation through their daily tasks and events. The thought of exercise sounds like a drudge. So, I am taking this opportunity to share six ways to help rejuvenate your health and wellness routine. Whether you try one or all six, my sincere hope is that they will make a BIG difference in how you feel and inspire you to break the daily monotony & keep moving forward. 

1. Create a gratitude list
Take time to pause and jot down a few simple things you are grateful for in your life. When you
feel down, look back on your list and recall the many blessings.

2.  Replace the phrase “I can’t” with “I can”  
Having an “I CAN” attitude adds up to big change! 

  • I CAN walk for 10 mins a day at lunch.
  • I CAN do a 20 min workout video 3x a week.
  • I CAN increase my water intake by setting a timer to remind me to drink water
    throughout the day. 
  • I CAN do a bike ride with my family after work.
  • I CAN sign up for a free week and try a new virtual fitness class from the comfort of my
    own home.  
  • I CAN start the day with a healthy, balanced breakfast.

3.    Have an accountability partner or sign up for a challenge with a supportive community.
The people you surround yourself with have a lot to do with your mood and attitude. Be around
people who will lift you up. Finding a supportive workout partner, group or coach that moves you
in the right direction and keeps you in a positive mindset as you take steps to create healthy

4.    Mix things up
Even our favorite exercise format can become mundane. It is important to stir things up by adding variety to your workout schedule. Are you a die-hard runner? Maybe slow it down a bit with a core and flexibility class. A yoga lover? How about giving a cardio barre class a try. To keep things fresh and exciting it’s important to move your body in a different ways.

5. Celebrate Progress
Start tracking your fitness progress by setting up a simple way to record workouts or measure
what you eat and drink every day. Be careful not to confuse progress with perfection! Your
journey of health and wellness is unique and personal. Make things fun and choose different ways to reward yourself for a job well done. Having a reward to look forward to will drive you to keep going!

6.     Find a professional to increase your chances of success
If there are certain areas in your life that are keeping you from reaching your health and wellness goals, professional help can make a huge difference. A licensed nutritionist, therapist, health coach, personal trainer, registered dietitian, or a physical therapist can tailor a program to specifically meet your needs. They can offer practical advice for you to implement in your daily life and can provide you with the tools you need to change behaviors that hold you back.